Exercise Caution When Choosing Supplements

Released on = March 22, 2006, 12:01 pm

Press Release Author = Fitness Trainers To Go Inc.

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = The selection of health supplements and vitamins is
overwhelming to say the least. With the wide variety and hundreds of different
brands and labels, it is difficult to tell which supplements do what, which are the
safe ones, and which ones you should avoid.

Press Release Body = Dallas, TX, March 21, 2006 - The selection of health
supplements and vitamins is overwhelming to say the least. With the wide variety and
hundreds of different brands and labels, it is difficult to tell which supplements
do what, which are the safe ones, and which ones you should avoid. While there is no
substitute for your physicians recommendations, there are some things to keep in
mind when deciding on a supplement.
Fitness Trainers To Go nutritionist Anna Yuschek, MA, has studied supplements, from
the ingredients to the effects and she is a picky consumer when helping her clients
decide which supplements are best for their needs. There are capsules, pills, and
powders that promise increased energy, faster metabolism, and magical weight loss,
among other claims. But who is telling the truth?
Yuschek tells her clients that since supplements are not regulated by the FDA, they
should be extra cautious when choosing a brand. "I would only take supplements from
a trusted company that has documented research backing up the claims that they make
on their products," Yuschek says. "Very few companies exist that have this
research, but they are out there."
She advises that clients pay close attention to the directions and refrain from the
temptation to double doses or take too many pills in one setting. "More does not
necessarily mean better," she advises. "There are side-effects to all supplements.
Even vitamins can be harmful if taken in excess."
When it boils down to delivering her clients with the best nutritional programs,
including supplements, Yuschek is sparse in her suggestions. Clients needing an
energy boost are sometimes advised to take vitamin B. Yuschek suggests calcium
supplements for some of her female clients, and for those looking to build muscle,
she sometimes advises protein shakes, or branched chain amino acids. For clients
looking for supplements to aid in weight loss she puts her foot down.
"There is no pill on the market that takes the place of diet, exercise, and a good
trainer," Yuschek says. In fact, although there is an abundance of products
available, Yuschek rarely recommends supplements to her clients beyond a daily
multivitamin. "It takes a lot of will power, but all goals can be achieved through
proper diet and exercise."
Vitamins and supplements are a dime a dozen and while some are effective, others
can have dangerous side-effects. When trying them for yourself read the labels, pay
attention to directions, and seek the advice of your physician to ensure that the
material your body is ingesting is safe. In general, you can bypass most
supplements altogether by creating a healthy lifestyle and frequent exercise

Fitness Trainers To Go, Inc. was founded in 2003 by CEO Robert Korngiebel. The
company provides master nutritionists and nationally certified/degreed personal
trainers to conduct in-home nutritional counseling and workout sessions with clients
of all fitness levels. The trainers design every session to meet the individual
needs and goals of each client and provide all equipment necessary for an effective,
challenging workout. For additional information, visit
http://fitnesstrainerstogo.com or email news@fitnesstrainerstogo.com.

Web Site = http://fitnesstrainerstogo.com

Contact Details = Robert Korngiebel
3100 Carlisle #118
Dallas , 75204


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